Beware What You Take Into Your Mind
It is harder to live life in the Spirit in these days. Even you have gotten entrapped in things that aren’t yours, in other peoples’ lives in which you have no part or any business even knowing about. Stay with the life I have given you and you will be kept safe and at peace.…
Give Jesus Your Tangled Messes
You cannot work out the problem you are wrestling with this morning. Lay it aside and give it to Me! You are not able to solve it on your own, but I am able to untangle it for you and show you the truth in it. If you keep waiting, trying to solve it yourself,…
I Am His First Priority
Did you realize that, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is a Word for you first, and then for others? My directives to you are out of My great love for you! If you do what I say, you will be free to be with Me, and others will be…
Trust Only In Jesus
Right now you are thinking like the people of old who thought they needed a king…You do not need a king; you need Me! An earthly king is a crutch, someone to lean on when people refuse to lean on Me. I gave my people long ago a king because they were weak and thought…
Child, your mind cannot grasp how precious you are to Me. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so is My love for you. I have loved you with an everlasting love and, therefore, always will. From everlasting to everlasting, I am God, your God. Delight in Me as I delight in you! Drink deeply of My living…
Put On Love (Excerpt)
How precious the moments are… I have given them to you! They are like a string of pearls that encircles your neck by the end of the day. I have cultured them to exactly the right dimension for you, embedding within each one a deep message, programmed like your DNA, containing My profound purpose and…
New Vision
Instead of dwelling in your pain, take hold of the reality I want to give you today. You must go through the pain to grow closer to Me; it is a stepping stone to a better place mentally, physically, and spiritually for you. If you remain in your pain you will stagnate and never be…
A Faith-Filled New Year
You have come through many trials on your journey with Me, and now there will be another change in your life. What you once thought was good might not seem so good to you anymore, and there is a reason for that; you are passing from strength to strength, glory to glory, and faith to…